Looking for new members
Information Call: (612) 965-0153
Orono Area Lions Club - part of Lions Club International
Orientation for New or Prospective Member
Lion Club International
Largest Service Organization in the World, HQ’d in Oak Brook IL.
1.4 million Lions, 48,000 Clubs, in 209 Countries.
Global Causes: Diabetes, Vision, Environment, Hunger & Childhood Cancer. Other Causes: SightFirst, Eye Banks, Lions Quest, Service Dogs, Leader Dogs, Disaster Relief, Measles, Hearing
Started by Melvin Jones in 1917, Challenged by Helen Keller in 1925 to be “Knights of the Blind.”
Lions Clubs International - Mission Statement: To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
Passion to Excel: On average, Lions worldwide annually donate in excess of $741 million to charitable causes and provide more than 70 million hours in voluntary service to their communities. This year, Lions have completed 350,000 Service Projects serving 36 Million People.
Community Minded… and wants to be part of:
Our Goals are to keep our club efficient, productive and meaningful to our members which will result in many benefits:
A club that is a vital, respected part of the community.
The ability to help people in need locally, and globally.
A club that offers personal and professional growth opportunities for members.
History: The Lions Club of Orono began meeting in the summer of 1952 and received its charter. The Club chartered with 40 members. The Orono Lions have consistently had over 20 members in our Club.
Our Major Fundraisers are:
Orono Area Lions have donated to:
Lions Clubs International Foundation, MN Lions Diabetes, Camp Needlepoint, Friendship Ventures, Children’s Eye Bank, Youth Outreach, Hearing/Service Dog, Leader Dog, Minnesota Eye Bank, Macular Degen Clinic, Special Olympics, Let’s Go Fishing, Summer Rec Baseball, Eyeglasses, Care Packages for the Troops, Individual Donations, Red Lion Reader Project, Poinsettias Delivery, Long Lake Veterans Memorial, Long Lake Lakeshore Cleanup, Restoration Projects, High School Scholarships, Corn Days Parade, Local Boys Scout, Girl Scouts, Community Education Projects, Working the Blood Drive, Salvation Army Ringing the Bell, Adopt a Highway Cleanup, Union Cemetery Cleanup, Nelson Park Restoration, Ambulance & Med. Equip. Donation,
Club Meetings:
Orono Lions meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at various locations
Members contribute towards the cost of their meal when offered.
Agenda and minutes are e-mailed out.
Club members vote on donation requests.
District 5M5 - Hennepin County - District Convention in January - lions5m-5.org - The Informer
Zone 8 consists of Hamel, Orono District, Plymouth, Rogers and St. Bonifacius.
Website: www.oronolions.org
Facebook: Orono - Lake Minnetonka Area Lions Clubs
Address: P.O. Box 65, Long Lake, MN 55356
Lions Club International website: www.lionsclubs.org
President: Bradley Hansen bradley@worldwide-gaming.com; cell: 612-965-0153
Vice President: Dave Potter dpotter@anchorscientific.com; cell: 612-940-2451
Treasurer: Roger Adams roger.w.adams@mchsi.com; cell: 763-360-1709
Secretary: David Danielson daviddaneilson2@gmail.com; cell: 612-327-5872
Members have the opportunity to meet and work with other individuals in a spirit of fellowship, striving toward a common idea or goal. New members are essential, bringing fresh ideas, passion, and attitude to our club. They often take the initiative and show their capacity for leadership as a committee chair or as a club officer. Good intent accomplishes little, take what you have to give and do something about it. That is what it means to be a Lion.
New members are expected to give freely of their time, talent and energy whenever possible. They should attend as many club meetings as they can, be available for club assignments, abide by the Lions Code of Ethics, be knowledgeable about the objectives and aims of the Lions and always support all club officers.